An environmental, nature-based, interactive, functional art installation that acts as a contemporary community garden and Neighborhood Revenue Generator (NRG).
'BOON' means something beneficial, sought after and helpful.
3400 East 72nd Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64132, United States
In 2016 MRW! obtained this property in a business zone (B1-1) from Land Bank and began beautifying the property and the business zone. The actions of beautification, and planting NATIVE PLANTS brought life into this business zone.
The goal is to demonstrate and display better environmental and social practices, and generate enough revenue to support Noble Neighborhood in becoming self-sustaining by providing funds to the neighborhood to:
We want create a neighborhood BOON AREA 1 in all 104 neighborhoods in the high-poverty zip codes of Kansas City, Mo. We are just getting started.
Your donation expedites the creation of BOON AREA 1 allowing us to move on to the next BOON AREA, BOON HOUSE, BOON DISTRICT, and other programs/projects.