As part of our 'Revive the west side of District 5, An Artistic Journey (A 100-year plan)'.
This Recreational Power Park has been presented to the Parks & Recreations Department to see if this RPP would be allowed to be developed on the south side of the Swope Park entrance.
Food Forest * Yoga Pavilion Life-size Chessboard * Skaters Infinity Power Tower * Exercise Park * Artist Mound * Storage & Mural * Windmills Permaculture Plot * Outhouse * Globe * Inner & Outer Paths * Dog-Poop Composter * Rain Water Capture * Kinetic Generator * Composting Stations * Pond & Rain Garden
Suggested moving forward to.
"That's awesome !" | "This is amazing!" | "This looks great! Columbia, MO has something like this that also incorporates an educational center and pavilion for farmer's market. Yours is well done." | " Amazing!! Let's bring this to life..." | "Quite an undertaking... Best wishes."
holds public meetings every other Tuesday at the Parks and Recreation Department Administration building, 4600 E. 63rd St. All meetings start at 2 p.m. and are open to the public. LET THEM KNOW THIS IS WANTED!